...because you can't take this melody off your head...just dance to it! ♪♫ ヘ(^_^ヘ)


Our final examinations for this school year commenced yesterday. Therefore, I guess I can say that summer has started.

I still have a defense for our investigatory project on Monday though. I'll have to record some songs on Monday as well.

Nevertheless, I found my Trigonometry and English exams relatively easy compared to examinations about other subjects.

*will edit when my new ISP would be activated*
I just thought of such a thing when we had our new lesson in Trigonometry, that is, Sum and Difference Identities. When I saw the identities, I was thinking, "Agony in the Garden...of Trigo!"

Well, I'm trying my best to be as studious as I can, while trying to still have my share of fun. I will admit that I could be a bit forgetful at times, and that I'm not too responsible, not to mention that I don't pass all my academic requirements on time.

Though sometimes, some of our lessons may be a bit agonizing to comprehend at first, it's normal to feel that way.

I never really thought that school was such an agony. It's just that we sometimes have to go through very difficult lessons and projects to test our strength in taking all these tasks and our capabilities.

(Random entry to displace some current feelings.)
I'm just so happy that everything is slowly going back to its normal pace, despite the fact that time feels slower and slower for me.

I know that it's weird for someone who looks like she's alone most of the time, but there are times when I need people to force me to stand up and get my lazy butt out of the chair or the floor, or that I need to be screamed at just so that I could get moving. I seem to like the slow flow of time compared to the fast-paced bustle which we would normally expect out of everyday in these times. (It would come in handy though if it would be something which would take awfully long and would be so boring and useless at the same time.)

It's like the jigsaw puzzle pieces are falling back in place.

Oh, but I just remembered that we will be having our final examinations in two weeks. Yes, two weeks. I also have to memorize some lines for Filipino. *coughDonyaConsolacioncough*


I checked my e-mail today, after not checking it for *roughly* two weeks, and the first message I saw had a title of "Yahoo! Briefcase Is Closing-Action Required". When I saw the Yahoo! logo beside the title, I realized that it was for real.

To those who don't know Yahoo! Briefcase, it's Yahoo!'s version of Megaupload, SendFile, eSnips, or whatever other file upload site you use, except for the fact that it's private, unless you get a premium account. That's what I love about the service. Though the storage is limited, it comes in handy when I'm in the e-classroom. (Yes, I don't save it in my e-mail, but I guess I'll have to do that now.)

Below is the message itself:


Dear Yahoo! Briefcase user,

We will be officially closing Yahoo! Briefcase on March 30, 2009. Until then, we are offering you the opportunity to download your files back to your computer. You will need to take action before we close, after which any files remaining on Yahoo! Briefcase will be deleted and no longer accessible.

To access your Yahoo! Briefcase account, click the link below:

If you are a Yahoo! Briefcase Premium subscriber, your current subscription will be canceled on March 30, 2009. We will refund the unused portion of your Premium subscription, if any. The refund will appear as a credit via the billing method we have on file for you. So please make sure that your billing information is correct and up-to-date. For more information, please visit https://billing.yahoo.com.

For additional information or to review a list of our frequently asked questions, click the link below:

We appreciate your being a Yahoo! Briefcase user.


Yahoo! Customer Support

It's a reasonable time frame, but I'll have to download the files in the rotonda or elsewhere with high-speed internet, as my internet connection peaks at roughly 150 kbps when I'm at home.

Oh crap, so much for making a new entry...

I wasn't able to take any pictures with the children in the orphanage, even if I would have wanted to. (I developed a mild cold, and I was afraid that I might pass the cold on to them, considering that Sister Mely told me that the children didn't really have a strong defense against sickness.

I compromised by taking pictures of the nurses and the toddlers. They were so cute, and some of the toddlers came nearer to pose, but the nurses held them back. 

Asilo looked more like a school (rather an abandoned one for that case) than an orphanage, but some rooms were new and unused, such as the clinic and something which resembles a conference room. I later learned that Asilo USED to be a school, but had to close since some of their students transferred to CIC-C, which was also run by the Daughters of Charity and was also on the SAME STREET. Also, there might be competition sooner or later.

The sisters told me that people donate to the orphanage, but that they need diapers, which nobody thinks of donating. So that is what my aunt and I decided to give them...diapers. It reminded me about these cloth diapers at 350 pesos per piece...I think?

Three of the children were to be adopted at the time. At least they'll have a new home...and people they can call a family.

Later, we went around Cebu, but I slept in the van most of the time, because the mixed smell of sweat made me dizzy. We went to Basilica de Santo Nino, as well as the huge monument of Lapu-Lapu (which I have go to when I was five years old.) By that time, it was VERY HOT, and I couldn't even open my eyes at some certain points, to the point that my aunt told me, "Feeling mo naman Haponesa ka!" (You feel like you're a Japanese).

We then went to SM Cebu to eat, and to look for Chicharritos chicharon there...but much to our dismay, we didn't find any. (We passed by a Chicharritos store later on our way to Mactan-Cebu International Airport.)

When we went back to CIC-C, my stuff were fixed (courtesy of my mom and my aunt), while I worked on this blog. =] (That's the time I translated the panels into English.) I ate cookies and cream ice cream for snacks, while I ate some of the fish skin chicharon (given by Mister Dadoy) and my favorite-calamares...which tasted like heaven...and was soft and crunchy and heavenly as compared to the flour-laden, rubberized calamares of Ice Castle. (No offense meant though...because their waffley-biscuits and halo-halo were good.)

I had another bagtag made in the airport. Auntie Ellin had two made, and my mom also requested for another bagtag. My new bagtag is so nice...but I guess I would have gotten a better time had I have been prepared.

I had fun in Cebu for the two days I was here. I may not have caught up with the Paul! Paul! Cast and Production party, but I have a lot of memories in Cebu...and for the case of Paul! Paul!, I also have memories, in my camera, in my mind, in my journal, as well as tangible memories. (Haha. I took some of the pictures taped on the doors of the dressing rooms!)

Anyway, back to work now. I should really stop procrastinating and start persevering more. =]

♪♫ ヘ(^_^ヘ) Joannie (ノ^_^)ノ♪♫
If you're visiting this, then I guess that either means that I've lead you to this blog from http://merodiii.blog.shinobi.jp, or from http://mugenwanijou.blog.shinobi.jp (my blog in Japanese).

I was so nervous about the seminar prior to the time I actually spoke. But it turned out great in the end, and I revealed a lot about myself. =]

(continued on 2oo9.o2.24)

It was nice talking to student leaders, although I kind of felt uneasy and anxious during the first quarter of the seminar, maybe due to the fact that my mom was in front of me, operating the laptop connected to the LCD projector. After the morning snack/health break, my mom told me that she would move to the back of the conference room, and I realized that I was rather more comfortable and natural after that.

Although more than 70 student leaders were included in the "seminar", the size of the room made them look like my class. =]

I'll still be going back to Manila later tonight, but I don't think I'll be able to catch up with the Paul! Paul! Cast and Production Team Party. I asked two of my classmates about it through Yahoo! Messenger last time, and they told me that it would start at 3 in the afternoon and end in 6 in the evening.

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